Thursday 24 November 2016

5 House Cleaning Tips to Prepare Your House for Christmas

Thanksgiving is gone now, and Christmas is just around the corner. The holiday season means having the kids at home which doesn’t necessarily feel like a holiday for parents. You will be on leave, your kids will be on school holidays and so will be your home cleaning staff. Hence, your holiday will include cleaning up after kids, pets, and guests. You may not get sufficient time sit back and enjoy your holidays with your friends and family. One solution to this problem is to hire a domestic cleaning service in Melbourne. Home cleaning professionals will work throughout the holiday season and help you maintain the cleanliness of your house.
But if that is not a viable option for you then following are some quick cleaning tips for the holiday season:

1.    Ask for Help

If you have decided not to hire a domestic cleaning service in Melbourne, then make sure you ask for help from your partner or children to save some time. Kids can spend 30 minutes at the end of the day to clean up their rooms by placing the toys and other arts/crafts at a proper place. If they are old enough, then you can also assign them more tasks such as washing the dishes, sweeping, etc.

2.    General Cleaning

Clean the floors of the entire house including the living area and kitchen.
•    Empty rubbish bins.
•    Clean the toilets and basins.
•    Do one big laundry day to clean towels, bed sheets, and other essentials.

Top tip: If possible, do a cool wash and hang the washing straight away to avoid ironing.

3.    Crockery

Wash the regular dishes and dig out the special crockery/dishes/glassware and clean them all before Christmas day to avoid a rush.
Top Tip: Consider using recyclable paper plates and napkins for Christmas Day buffet meals. It may not look cool, but it will save your time and water on washing up.

4.    Fridge

Fridge will be the place where you may want to store some of your Christmas food items and drinks. Hence, make sure you dedicate some time to clean your refrigerator. Consider cleaning it a week before. Create some space for the wine and Christmas special food items by removing any out-of-date food from the fridge.
Top Tip: Consider using vinegar to clean glasses. It will make them look shiny, and the smell will disappear when they dry.

5.    Christmas Lights and Decorations

Christmas will be no fun if you don’t have lights and decorations. Make sure you clean the lights and decoration stuff before storing them for the next year.

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